Assistance to destitute and other vulnerable Groups
Who is the destitute person ?
A destitute individual is one who has lost his/her productive capacity and is unable to engage in economic activities and has no shelter or close family members that can assist him/her.
This definition can be further defended in terms of the following:
• An individual who has lost his productive capability such that he/she cannot plough the land he/ she owns due to ill health arising from natural illness, serious accidental injury and/or paralysis and has no shelter or close family members that can assist him/ her.
• An individual who is experiencing hardship due to loss of employment, income and the resultant loss of shelter through repossession by any financial institution.
• An individual who is physically or mentally incapable of working due to old age, physical or mental impairment and has no shelter and no family to assist him/her.
• A minor, or children whose parent (s) has/have died as a result of HIV/Aids or a minor whose been deserted by either the father/mother.
• An individual who has been rendered homeless due to fire, floods or any other natural disaster, social upheaval (violence) or temporary hardship.
To qualify one must:
- Be South African citizen or hold of a permanent residence permit.
- Be 18 years and older.
- Be married or habitually cohabit.
- Be single and have financial dependents constantly living with you.
- Single people without financial dependents, such as the aged, people with disabilities and military veterans may be assisted.
- Must earn 0-R 3500.
- Not owned a house in the past.
- A green Bar Identity Document or Identity Card.
- If married, a spouse ID book is needed + marriage certificate.
- Birth certificate of children and identity document of your dependents.
- Proof of income.
- Death certificate, if spouse died.
- Divorce decree, if divorced.