Administration has an internal and external focus. It performs a support function to the various programmes within Vote 11;
provides overall management in the Department in accordance with applicable legislation and policies.
1.1 Office of the MEC
Provides executive leadership and legislative interface between government, civil society and all other stakeholders.
1.2 Corporate Services
To render corporate services functions.
The programme consists of the following three (3) sub-programmes, namely:
1.2.1 Human Resource Management: To render human resource management services
1.2.2 Human Resource and Organisational Development: To render organisational and human resources Development services
1.2.3 Information Communication Technology: To provide efficient and effective information communication technology office
automation services
1.3 Office of the HOD
To facilitate the creation of Qualitative, Integrated and Sustainable Human Settlements across the Province
The programme consists of the following three (3) sub-Programmes:
1.3.1 Internal Audit: To render Internal Audit Services and support to Audit Committee
1.3.2 Anti-Corruption and Corporate Security Management: To render Anti-Corruption, Fraud Prevention and Security Services
1.3.3 Customer Care and Presidential Hotline: To manage and monitoring customer care services
1.4 Office of the CFO
To manage departmental financial services
The programme consists of the following six (6) sub-programmes, namely:
1.4.1 Internal Control Unit: Render Internal Control and departmental Pre-Audit Services
1.4.2 Financial Management Services: To manage departmental finances
1.4.3 Management Accounting Services: To manage departmental financial services
1.4.4 Procurement / Acquisition Management: To manage departmental acquisitions services
1.4.5 Demand Management and Logistics Services: To render demand and logistics services
1.4.6 Risk Management: To manage risk management services
1.5 Strategic Management and Corporate Communications
Provide strategic support to the Head of Department
The programme consists of the following four (4) sub-programmes, namely:
1.5.1 Strategic Planning: To render strategic planning services
1.5.2 Monitoring and Evaluation: To render monitoring and evaluation services
1.5.3 Corporate Communication: To render corporate communications services
1.5.4 Stakeholder Engagement: To manage and monitor stakeholder relations
2. Human Settlement Research and Policy Development, Integrated Human Settlements Planning & Municipal Support
To co-ordinate and facilitate the effective housing development services
The programme consists of the following three (3) sub-programmes, namely:
2.1 Human Settlements research and policy development
2.2 Integrated Human Settlements Planning
2.3 Capacity Building and Municipal Support
2.1 Human Settlements Research and Policy Development
To conduct Human Settlements research and Develop Human Settlements policies.
2.2 Integrated Human Settlements Planning
To manage, review and develop Provincial Human Settlements Plans.
2.3 Capacity Building and Municipal Support
To capacitate and support municipalities with regard to Human Settlements
3.1 Housing Programmes Facilitation and Administration
To promote the effective and efficient housing programmes facilitation and administration
The programme consists of the following six (6) Sub-programmes namely:
3.1.1 Beneficiary Management
3.1.2 Consumer Education and Social Facilitation
3.1.3 Subsidy Programmes
3.1.4 Informal Settlements Upgrading & Projects Enhancement
3.1.5 Destitute and other vulnerable group
3.1.6 Emerging Contractors
3.1.7 Special Programme Unit
3.1.1 Beneficiary Administration
To administer beneficiary management.
3.1.2 Consumer Education and Social Facilitation
To provide consumer education and social facilitation services.
3.1.3 Subsidy Programmes
To facilitate housing subsidy programmes.
3.1.4 Informal Settlements Upgrading and Projects Enhancement
To provide informal settlements eradication Services.
3.1.5 Destitute and Vulnerable Groups
To facilitate housing opportunities for the destitute and vulnerable groups.
3.1.6 Emerging Contractors
To provide support services to emerging contractors and other vulnerable groups.
3.2 Operations Office (Financial Interventions)
The rendering of Human Settlements projects management service
To provide legal advisory services, contract management services and legally complaint project approvals
The programme consists of the following four (4) sub-programme, namely:
3.2.2 Project management Unit
3.2.3 Legal Advisory Services
3.2.4 Contracts Management
3.2.5 Corporate Secretariat
3.2.2 Project Management Unit
To provide project management implementation, monitoring and evaluation.
3.2.3 Legal Advisory Services
To provide legal advisory services to the department.
3.2.4 Contracts Management
To manage departmental contracts.
3.2.5 Corporate Secretariat
To provide qualitative project approvals and secretariat support.
3.3. Project Management & Quality Assurance (Incremental Interventions)
The management of projects and quality assurance
The programme consists of the following four (4) Sub-programmes namely:
3.3.1 District Support
3.3.2 Housing Quality Assurance
3.3.3 Grant Management Services and HSS
3.3.4 Special Projects and Rectification Services
3.3.1 District Support
Rendering of strategic coordination and facilitation on the functioning districts offices.
3.3.2 Housing Quality Assurance
To provide the quality assurance project evaluation services.
3.3.3 Grant Management Services and HSS
To manage Human Settlements Development Grant.
3.3.4 Special Projects and Rectification Services
To manage Special Projects and Rectification Service.
4. Housing Property Management
To provide for the efficient and effective management of housing properties
The programme consists of the following three (3) Sub-programmes namely:
4.1 Sales, Transfers and Assets
4.2 Land Acquisition and Facilitation
4.3 Social and Rental Housing Programme
4.1 Sales, Transfer and Assets
To manage Housing Assets.
4.2 Land Acquisition and Facilitation
To facilitate, coordinate & monitor acquisition & administration of land.
4.3 Social and Rental Intervention
To facilitate and coordinate the implementation of the social, rental and affordable